
Presentation Skills

Being able to convey your opinions and thoughts effectively are the key to giving a good presentation. Presentation Skills have become important in almost every sphere of life. This can be daunting idea. Presentation skills are required as a student, executive, if you wish to start your own business or you wish to be on an authoritative position. Anywhere, you can be asked to give a presentation. The first step is to develop a presentation, which requires a lot of preparation and skills. It’s important to convey your message clearly and effectively. Tips to make an effective presentation : Connect with your audience and show your passion One of the most important thing is to connect with the audience. The best way of doing so Is by showing your passion for the subject to the the audience. It’s about being honest with the audience and show what you really feel. It will also contribute to boost your confidence. Focus on who your audience is and what are their ne...

Learning Skills

Learning Skills Everybody knows the importance of learning. There are numerous article stating learning is important. But what does learning really mean? What is learning? From a basic perspective of things, learning means to open up to new ideas and experiences. It means to grow through what we learnt from the encounters in the world. Many put learning as studying, but that not the case. Studying can be put as a medium of learning certain things, but learning cannot be entirely termed as studying. Learning is much beyond the structured and unstructured studies. It involves learning from surrounding and life experiences. “ There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning .” --Jiddu Krishnamurti, Philosophical and Spiritual Writer and Speaker Learning can be categorized in method for these three basic ap...

Importance of values and ethics in our life

Importance of values and ethics in our life ‘Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.’ -- Albert Einstein Moral values hold an important status when it comes to development of personal, social and spiritual self. Values, morals and ethics are inextricably tied together. The value lessons start from the childhood. It’s the things you learn from your parent and immediate surroundings. Moral Values are something that makes reaching our higher self easier. Though many people are not really conscious of this fact and tend to ditch these values as they tread of their life paths. Ethics are the character builders. They are the set of behaviour one uses when tested by difficult situations. Ethics and character are closely related. Values are essential to ethics develop at an early age and can be instrumental to building character. Join English speaking course in Chandigarh. Importance of ethics and values from a global po...


Concentration How to increase concentration ? Concentration can be hard to achieve, specifically if the task in hand is not the one you really like doing. Take study for instance, not most of us like to study. When the work is uninteresting, we often get distracted by numerous things in our surroundings as well as our imagination. Our mind seems to be drifting to some other space making us anxious. But, as quoted by Jack Nicklous, “Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety”. Concentration! How do you achieve it? It is easily achievable? Concentration can be achieved through different techniques one can follow over a course of time. But, the key ingredients are determination and practise. These techniques can be classified in two categories: -Long Term -Short Term Long Term Techniques: Take Rest: It is psychologically proven fact that proper rest is essential to help concentrate. Lack of rest causes the thoughts to scatter. Make sure you get t...


Teamwork What is teamwork ? As the French put it as, ‘espirit de corps’. This means a sense of unity, of enthusiasm for common interests and responsibilities, as developed in group of persons closely associated in a task, cause and enterprise, etc. Teamwork is an adhesive that keeps a team together. It is that bond which promotes strength, unity, reliability and support within its corporation. Teamwork is like the oil that keeps the machine called team functional. ‘Talent wins games, teamwork and intelligence wins championships.’ --Michael Jordan Why is Teamwork important? Teamwork is a collective effort put equally by each member of the team to achieve the assigned tasks. It is where all people put their best individual effort to achieve a common goal. For instance there are five members in a team working for an organisation. Three of them always take the initiative and work their best at the task in hand. While, the others have a laidback attitude towards ...

Social Graces

Social Graces “Good Behaviour can cover the lack of beauty, but a good beauty cannot cover a lack of good behaviour.” Social Grace as is understandable refers to skill to interact politely in social situations. This include manners, social etiquette, deportment, fashion and refinement. There was a time when these were taught to young girls at finishing schools or charm schools. But this has changed in the past century with an emphasis on business etiquette and international protocol. No matter how wealthy, attractive or powerful you are, none of these hold importance if you have a rude, insensitive and boorish personality. Although the manners seem to have modified over the course of time, a polite and refined demeanor is still an attribute appreciated in social and business situations.  Factors of Social Grace: Courtesy and Respect While going about this particular aspect it is important to remember the Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treate...