Learning Skills

Learning Skills
Everybody knows the importance of learning. There are numerous article stating learning is important. But what does learning really mean?

What is learning?
From a basic perspective of things, learning means to open up to new ideas and experiences. It means to grow through what we learnt from the encounters in the world.

Many put learning as studying, but that not the case. Studying can be put as a medium of learning certain things, but learning cannot be entirely termed as studying. Learning is much beyond the structured and unstructured studies. It involves learning from surrounding and life experiences.

There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.”
--Jiddu Krishnamurti, Philosophical and Spiritual Writer and Speaker

Learning can be categorized in method for these three basic approaches:
  • Behaviorist: It consists of behaviors with which the learner respond to kind of stimulus
  • Cognitive: It concerns the knowledge and the retention potential of an individual.
  • Humanist: It consists of explaining individual experience in various situations.

What do you need in order to learn?
First and foremost, is to adapt a Learning Mindset. It is important to believe that you can learn and develop new skills. It is the self belief and commitment that goes hand in hand to help achieve this.
Other important factors to get started with learning anything in life are:
  • Time Management
  • Organisational Skills
  • Avoid Procrastination
Still the most important one is to have a positive mindset.


Having good studying skills can definitely help one learn. These are some generic and transferable skills. These help you get in the right mindset for studying effectively.
Important steps to studying are:
  • Getting Organised to Study
  • Finding Time to Study
  • Sources of Information for Study
  • Styles of Writing
  • Reading skills
  • Revision Skills

A Lifelong Skill
Children are generally one of curious mindset. They are eager to learn. They adapt to learn things by observing, playing or touching. But, as one grows the general fascination seems to fade away and they become less curious. They eventually tend to forget that learning is important.
Those who are open to learn will always find a whole bunch of opportunities in front of them.
Learning is a lifelong process and would serve you well from time to time.
