
Showing posts from June, 2017


Concentration How to increase concentration ? Concentration can be hard to achieve, specifically if the task in hand is not the one you really like doing. Take study for instance, not most of us like to study. When the work is uninteresting, we often get distracted by numerous things in our surroundings as well as our imagination. Our mind seems to be drifting to some other space making us anxious. But, as quoted by Jack Nicklous, “Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety”. Concentration! How do you achieve it? It is easily achievable? Concentration can be achieved through different techniques one can follow over a course of time. But, the key ingredients are determination and practise. These techniques can be classified in two categories: -Long Term -Short Term Long Term Techniques: Take Rest: It is psychologically proven fact that proper rest is essential to help concentrate. Lack of rest causes the thoughts to scatter. Make sure you get t...


Teamwork What is teamwork ? As the French put it as, ‘espirit de corps’. This means a sense of unity, of enthusiasm for common interests and responsibilities, as developed in group of persons closely associated in a task, cause and enterprise, etc. Teamwork is an adhesive that keeps a team together. It is that bond which promotes strength, unity, reliability and support within its corporation. Teamwork is like the oil that keeps the machine called team functional. ‘Talent wins games, teamwork and intelligence wins championships.’ --Michael Jordan Why is Teamwork important? Teamwork is a collective effort put equally by each member of the team to achieve the assigned tasks. It is where all people put their best individual effort to achieve a common goal. For instance there are five members in a team working for an organisation. Three of them always take the initiative and work their best at the task in hand. While, the others have a laidback attitude towards ...

Social Graces

Social Graces “Good Behaviour can cover the lack of beauty, but a good beauty cannot cover a lack of good behaviour.” Social Grace as is understandable refers to skill to interact politely in social situations. This include manners, social etiquette, deportment, fashion and refinement. There was a time when these were taught to young girls at finishing schools or charm schools. But this has changed in the past century with an emphasis on business etiquette and international protocol. No matter how wealthy, attractive or powerful you are, none of these hold importance if you have a rude, insensitive and boorish personality. Although the manners seem to have modified over the course of time, a polite and refined demeanor is still an attribute appreciated in social and business situations.  Factors of Social Grace: Courtesy and Respect While going about this particular aspect it is important to remember the Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treate...

Time Management

Time Management We all have procrastinated at some point of time in our life. But, many of us have made it a regular habit. Pushing all your work to the last day is something that many of us follow this regime for our assignments, project dates etc. and are left regretting it in the end. Neither are we able to complete in most cases nor deliver the best quality. ‘Procrastination is the foundation of all disasters.’ - Pandora Poikilos What is Time Management ? Time management is the process of planning and organizing to divide time among various activities. Good time management enables maximum work done in less time with a quality product. It is about working smart instead of working hard. Why do need Time Management ? Time management helps you get through more efficiently, even when the time is less and pressure is high. Failing to do so causes less efficiency in work and stress. Remember how stressful it becomes to after procrastinating all your work a...

English Speaking course in Chandigarh

English Speaking Course in Chandigarh Do you have problems with your english? Have you ever felt embarrassed to speak in English in front of your friends? Are you made fun of regarding the same? India, is a country which holds the greatest number of non-native English speakers around the globe. This is to an extend that being able to speak English fluently has become a status symbol of the society, especially among youth. English is growing its branches to cover the entire earth in globalization. It’s already the official language of many world organisations, such as United Nations, European Union etc. English has emerged out to be a must- know language. In India, English is largely prevalent while picking up a job opportunity. Many regional companies has English as prioritized requirement whereas all the MNCs already hold hold a compulsion for the same. It is so, because English needs to be used by the candidate to be able to internationally communicate. And having goo...