
Concentration How to increase concentration ? Concentration can be hard to achieve, specifically if the task in hand is not the one you really like doing. Take study for instance, not most of us like to study. When the work is uninteresting, we often get distracted by numerous things in our surroundings as well as our imagination. Our mind seems to be drifting to some other space making us anxious. But, as quoted by Jack Nicklous, “Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety”. Concentration! How do you achieve it? It is easily achievable? Concentration can be achieved through different techniques one can follow over a course of time. But, the key ingredients are determination and practise. These techniques can be classified in two categories: -Long Term -Short Term Long Term Techniques: Take Rest: It is psychologically proven fact that proper rest is essential to help concentrate. Lack of rest causes the thoughts to scatter. Make sure you get t...